

Sunday, December 19, 2021

(中英版本)How to travel via VTL Land from Malaysia to Singapore | 假期结束通过陆路VTL从柔佛新山回新加坡

****VTL Land SOP更新*****
2022年3月3号开始,通过VTL Land来回新马的人们,不再需要做第2,第3,第4,第5,第6,以及第7天的自行检测。但两国之间的on arrival test和pre-departure test 目前依然保持不变。
新加坡 👇
马来西亚 👇

虽然SOP是说不用检测,但是自律还是必须的,例如有出门接触到人就自己准备test kit,测试了也比较安心,保护自己保护身边的人。
前一篇【VTL Land from Singapore to Johor Bahru after 632days | 分隔新馬兩地632天後終於用VTL回家團圓!】点击👉 https://bit.ly/3mgaDzw

先生通过疫苗旅游通道VTL Land,从新加坡回到新山家里小逗留几天之后,又是时候回去新加坡的工作岗位了。所以这一篇就来记录他通过VTL Land从柔佛新山回新加坡的流程。(文里附上英文版本)。温馨提醒:先生是新加坡永久居民(PR),持有不同身份的旅客必须查清楚官方的流程,同时务必注意SOP的更新,并到官网查询最新的资料为准。

出发日Departure date: 13 Dec 2021

📌Step 1- 

📌Step 2- 
出发前两天到卫生部授权的诊所做Pre departure Test
确定诊所帮你做的是pre departure test(PDT) PCR/RTK,因为不是使用VTL的话会是另一种PCR/RTK。做好检测之后,确定诊所打印出来给你的报告里面所有资料都正确。这份报告非常重要,在路程中会一直需要用到它。
Malaysia MOH approved clinic: https://go.gov.sg/msia-testcentres

📌Step 3-
出发日的三天前,到新加坡的ICA官网,SG Arrival Card e-Service,提交你的health declaration。完成程序之后,查看电邮,并把那封电邮通知打印出来。官网 https://go.gov.sg/sgarrivalcard
如果你不成功上载pre departure RTK检测报告,没关系,可以带着打印出来的报告通关。

📌Step 4- 出发日
1. 疫苗证书
2. Pre-departure PCR / RTK test result
3. VTL巴士车票
4. 护照
5. 新加坡身份证 (PR)
6. SG Arrival Card health declaration Submission Status

*提早一个小时到Larkin车站,车站员工会检查所有文件确保齐全, 然后把写有巴士车牌和座位号码的贴纸贴在你衣服的袖子。接着到指定等候区等车。



*ICA官员会先检查你的SG Arrival Card submission status,之后才允许你继续前往Automated Immigration Clearance Lane。注意,如果你没有提交SG Arrival Card,你会被要求到一边去把程序完成了才可以继续通关。

*完成通关程序之后,Transtar的巴士会继续前往Woodlands Temporary Bus Interchange,而Causeway Link巴士会去Queen Streets巴士站。 

*到了车站,必须到白色帐篷区去进行on-arrival ART检测,收费15新币(不可用现金)。先在付款柜台扫描QR code注册,然后前往指定的检测区做检测。接着在等待区等你的检测结果。检测报告会通过Trace-Together App发给你。检测结果呈阴性才可以离开。

重要事项:要检查电邮,ICA会发出一封 LEGAL NOTICE(S) FOR COMPLIANCE - COVID-19 Testing Order and/or Stay Order for XXX 的email给你。一定要把内容读清楚,里面会附上Testing Order(就是新加坡政府命令你去做检测),你也必须点击电邮里的链接以证明你已经收到那封邮件。你必须完成邮件里定下的条件,以免触法。

根据Testing Order里说的,你必须在抵达新加坡之后的第2,4,5,6天做自主检测,并把检测结果提交到Testing Order里的链接。另外,ICA也会通过SMS发出链接给你,预约时间做第3和第7天的检测,这两天是必须到检测中心 (QTC / CTC)完成的。
注意: 一次只能做一个预约,也就是说你必须先预约第三天的检测,完成了之后,你才可以预约第七天的。

最后再次提醒大家,网路资讯仅供参考。必须到政府官网查询资料以便得到最新最准确的VTL SOP。

巴士票 My to SG RM20
On arrival SG ART test S$15
Day 2,4,5, 6 Self test S$0 (Temasek test kit)
Day 3 & day7 ART S$15x2

*********English Version****************
SOP for VTL Land Johor to Singapore

📌Step 1 - Purchase VTL bus ticket
VTL bus ticket is very limited, do check out the bus company website to purchase VTL bus ticket as soon as it is released.
Transtar usually releases its new VTL ticket daily at 8am, but bear in mind that there are thousands of Malaysian competing with you, website error or crash is normal encounter.
Causeway Link has no fixed schedule to releases its VTL ticket, do login their website everyday to find out the latest release date.

Transtar : https://transtar.travel
Causeway Link: https://vtl.causewaylink.com.my

📌Step2 -
Do Pre-departure PCR or RTK Test at MOH Malaysia approved clinic 2 days before departure,
Make sure that the clinic is doing Pre-departure PCR/RTK Test for you, because there are PCR/ RTK Test for non VTL purposes.
The clinic will print out hard copy test result with your name, passport number and other particulars in it, remember to keep the test result throughout the whole VTL journey.

Malaysia MOH approved clinic: https://go.gov.sg/msia-testcentres

📌Step3 -
3 Days before departure date, submit your health declaration to ICA via the SG Arrival Card e-Service at https://go.gov.sg/sgarrivalcard
If you are unable to upload your Pre-departure RTK test result to the website, do not worry, just bring along the hard copy for checking.Once you have submission is completed, check your email and print out the acknowledgement email.

📌Step 4- Departure
Make sure you have all the following documents(print out in hard copy):
1. Vaccination Certificate
2. Pre-departure PCR/RTK test result
3. VTL bus ticket
4. Trace-together app
5. Passport
6. Singapore IC
7. SG Arrival Card health declaration submission status

*Please arrive boarding point (Larkin bus terminal) 1 hour before departure time, bus company staff will verify all your documents and issue a sticker with bus plate number and your seat number to you. Be seated at designated waiting area until boarding call.

*VTL bus will depart punctually and head tocheckpointck point. Upon arrival of JB CIQ checkpoint, you only need to bring along all the required documents for clearing checkpoint and leave all your luggage in the bus.

*Board your VTL bus again after clearing check point, then head to Woodlands checkpoint.Once arrive Woodlands checkpoint, you will need to bring along all of your belonging for custom check.

*ICA officer will check your SG Arrival Card submission status before allowing you to proceed to Automated immigration clearance lane. If you did not submit SG Arrival Card by that point, you will be directed to a designated area to complete the SG Arrival Card submission.

*After clearing Woodlands checkpoint, return to your VTL bus and head to Woodlands Temporary Bus Interchange for Transtar or Queen Streets Bus Terminal for Causeway Link.

*Upon arrival, you will need to make cashless payment for on-arrival ART test fee (SGD15) at counter and scan the QR code at the payment counter for registration, then you will be guided to testing area to do self-administered ART test under supervision of professional staff.After the ART test, go to designated waiting area and check your Trace-together app for test result.Once your Trace-together app shows negative on-arrival ART test result, you are free to go wherever you want.

Check your email for ICA's email with subject: LEGAL NOTICE(S) FOR COMPLIANCE - COVID-19 Testing Order and/or Stay Order for XXX.

Please read the email and its attached Testing Order carefully, and you MUST click a link provided in the email to acknowledge your receipt of the attached document.

If you fail to comply with the requirements set out in the attached document, you may be prosecuted for an offence(s) under Singapore law.

According to the Testing Order, you are required to do post-arrival self-administered ART test on Day 2,4,5,6 and self-declared at the link provided in the Testing Order.

You are also required to do self-administered under supervision at a Quick Test Centre (QTC) or Combined Test Centre (CTC) on Day 3 & 7. ICA will send a SMS with the link for booking Day 3 & 7 superised ART at your preffered QTC/ CTC. Please note that only ONE appointment at a time. After you complete the 3rd day test, only you able to make appointment for day7 test.

Do check out official government website from time to time for the latest VTL procedure.

VTL Bus Ticket My to SG RM20
On arrival SG ART test S$15
Day 2,4,5, 6 Self test S$0 (Temasek test kit)
Day 3 & day7 ART S$15x2

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

How to travel via VTL Land from Singapore to Johor Bahru after 632days | 分隔新馬兩地632天後終於用VTL回家團圓!

****VTL Land SOP更新*****
2022年3月3号开始,通过VTL Land来回新马的人们,不再需要做第2,第3,第4,第5,第6,以及第7天的自行检测。但两国之间的on arrival test和pre-departure test 目前依然保持不变。
新加坡 👇
马来西亚 👇

虽然SOP是说不用检测,但是自律还是必须的,例如有出门接触到人就自己准备test kit,测试了也比较安心,保护自己保护身边的人。

Youtube影片附上英文版本流程说明 :https://youtu.be/4Xi69Hx7zh4

自从2020年疫情爆发,先生就从那年的三月滞留新加坡至今600多天。一直到最近两国政府宣布开放疫苗旅游通道 VTL Land,让符合条件的国人不用隔离就可以回家团聚,这是一个多么令人开心的好消息!但是这段回家的过程,程序看似繁复,SOP更是一直在更改,所以出发前必须做许多的查询和确认。以下是我们整理出来的一些有用到的网站,以及回家的程序,让有需要的大家参考。
以下资料仅供想要通过VTL Land从新加坡回柔佛的新加坡永久居民(PR)参考
⚠ 温馨提醒:务必注意SOP的更新,并到官网查询最新的资料为准
📍Step 1 -
而另一家巴士公司Causeway Link的售票时间不定,可以留意他们的脸书更新,一般他们一旦开卖就会是连续一个礼拜的票,也是非常有限,先到先得。
📍Step3 -
出发7天前登录到 https://mysafetravel.gov.my
填写资料和上载疫苗证书的QR码,然后把mysafetravel 的submission status打印出来。
📍Step 4 -
Predeparture Test
使用VTL Land从新加坡回柔佛新山的话,可以选择在新加坡指定的诊所做PCR 或者ART检测。
记得跟诊所确认是做predeparture test,然后跟诊所领取PCR 或者ART检测证书。
📍Step 5-
1. Vaccination Certificate
2. PreDeparture PCR/ART test result
3. VTL bus ticket
4. Mysejahtera apps
5. Passport
6. Malaysia and Singapore IC
7. Mysafetravel submission status
*提早一个小时到车站,车站员工会检查所有文件确保齐全, 然后把写有巴士车牌和座位号码的贴纸贴在你衣服的袖子。由于每一个时段的巴士都有指定人数,所以并不会有太多人拥挤的情况。
https://oat.entrypass.my/ 登记你的资料
以便抵达新山Larkin车站时做On-arrival ART test。
*到达柔佛关卡后,需要把所有行李拿下车让大马custom officer检查。需要注意的是,在柔佛关卡开始需要用mysejahtera apps 来check in,所以必须确保你的手机随时都有网路。通过柔佛入境关卡后,就前往Larkin车站。到达Larkin后,把所有行李拿下巴士,然后扫描mysejahtera QR码check in。
*进到车站里,就到指定的counter缴付On-arrival ART test的费用(RM60)。接着做ART test,然后等待ART test result寄到你的电邮。过程大概10分钟左右。
当你收到的ART test result是negetive的话,你就自由可以回家了。
click to enlarge photo

*以下是根据我们的行程记录做的检测,我们的第三天需要去诊所做Predeparture test, 因为两天后先生就回去新加坡。请大家务必根据自己的行程决定那一天需要做哪一个test。
SG -My S$15 / My-SG RM20
07dec Pre Departure Test S$30
09dec On arrival Test Larkin RM60
10dec Day 2 self test RM6.50
11dec Day 3 PreDeparture RTK RM50
12dec Day 4 self test RM6.50
13dec On arrival SG ART test S$15
Daily self test in SG x5 days
Day 3& Day 7 ART S$15x2

柔佛回去新加坡的流程 VTL Land Johor to Singapore 👉https://bit.ly/30CRpwu

Saturday, July 10, 2021

【柔佛新山大学城西餐厅】Chef Henry Ribs House

记录一篇我们过去在cuti-cuti新山时, 光顾过的一家西餐厅。曾经有一次我们到Pulai Spring Resort小度假,晚餐时间想要在附近觅一些美食,上网谷狗搜寻找到了距离度假村只需3公里左右的Chef Henry Ribs House。再看看网路上的评价皆不错,所以决定前往尝尝。
Chicken Pasta with Creamy Mushroom RM14.80

Fish & Chips RM19.80

至于我跟先生两人则分别点了黑胡椒烤鸡扒 以及 炸鸡扒来一起分享(一鸡两吃的部分?)虽说同是去骨鸡腿肉,但却是两种不同的烹饪方式,吃起来也很不一样。烤鸡扒的部分我觉得看起来比较小件一点点,但是调味还是很棒的!鸡肉也烤得软嫩适中,搭配鸡扒的黑胡椒酱也很适合配马铃薯泥。
Pan Grilled Chicken with Black Pepper Sauce RM18.80

Crunchy Chicken RM18.80
推荐给大家,Chef Henry Ribs House,我们觉得他们的食物不仅价格亲民,而且食材用料也很有实在,味道更是让我们很满意,出自名厨之手的料理还是有一定的水准。希望下次再来尝尝他们的招牌菜--慢炖牛肉,听说也是非常好吃的呢!
Chef Henry Ribs House 
营业时间:12pm - 10pm 
电话:016-705 7219 
4, Jalan Kebudayaan 1 
Taman Universiti,
Skudai, Johor
里面可以看到高清照片、影片、以及最新的分享 😘
